Today we learn more about the Smart Brush under the Enhance section of the Photoshop Elements toolbox. Watch the video for my tutorial on how to use the smart brushtool. I demonstrate it with portraits today, but you can also use it on landscapes. In the video I demonstrate the brick wall effect, lipstick, bright… [Continue reading]
ABCs of PSE: E is for Eraser
Learn how to use the eraser, background eraser and the magic eraser tools in Photoshop Elements. [Continue reading]
ABCs of PSE: D is for Default Colors
Learn how to reset your color palette in Photoshop Elements. [Continue reading]
ABCs of PSE: C is for Crop
Learn how to cut your photos down to size, trim them into a shape and fix perspective in your photos. [Continue reading]
ABCs of PSE: B is for Brush
Today we look at everyone’s favorite tool – the Brush tool. You’ll find it in in the Draw section of the toolbox. Don’t forget to stick around and see the easy-peasy way to change colors in your photos with the Color Replacement tool. [Continue reading]
ABCs of PSE: A is for Quick Select
Today we tackle the five selection tools hidden under the Quick Select tool. Use these tools to quickly select your subject, change the background or refine your selection. [Continue reading]
How to Use the Tools in Photoshop Elements
Do you wish you knew all the ninja keyboard tricks to take your scrapping up a notch? I can show you how to use the tools in Photoshop Elements! [Continue reading]
ABCs of PSE: Z is for Zoom
Did you know PSE has some different tools to full Photoshop and different keyboard shortcuts? Stop the confusion with the ABCs of PSE! Z is for Zoom! Zoom in to correct fine details – zoom out for a birds eye view. ZOOM TIP: Click to zoom in by default. ZOOM TIP: Alt or Option Click… [Continue reading]
ABCs of PSE: Y is for Red Eye
Did you know PSE has some different tools to full Photoshop and different keyboard shortcuts? Stop the confusion with the ABCs of PSE! Y is for the Red Eye tool. Just click on a red pupil and PSE will instantly fix it! Watch me use the Red Eye tool and fix my photos in less… [Continue reading]
ABCs of PSE: X is to Swap Colours
Did you know PSE has some different tools to full Photoshop and different keyboard shortcuts? Stop the confusion with the ABCs of PSE! Press X to swap your foreground and background colours. COLOUR SWITCH TIP: When using a layer mask it’s handy to use X to switch between black and white. COLOUR SWITCH TIP: Black… [Continue reading]